Wondering about PERUGIA BIKE fees?

Wondering about PERUGIA BIKE fees

PERUGIA BIKE presents a range of subscription plans designed to cater to diverse preferences, offering both flexibility and affordability for riders exploring the charming city of Perugia. With an annual subscription priced at €30, cyclists gain access to a year of biking convenience, inclusive of €5 for charging and third-party liability insurance. This comprehensive package ensures not only a seamless biking experience but also peace of mind with insurance coverage.

One of the standout features of PERUGIA BIKE is the complimentary first half-hour offered to all riders. This means that your initial 30 minutes of biking come at no cost, providing an excellent opportunity for quick rides or short errands around the city. It’s a thoughtful inclusion that adds value to the biking experience and encourages more individuals to embrace sustainable transportation.

For those seeking extended usage beyond the initial half-hour, PERUGIA BIKE offers an attractive pricing structure. Subsequent half-hour increments are priced at a reasonable €1.00 each, allowing riders to tailor their journey duration to their needs without breaking the bank.

Additionally, PERUGIA BIKE introduces two formulaic plans catering to different usage patterns. The Formula 4forYou, priced at €8, provides a cost-effective solution for a full day of biking with 4 hours of utilization included. On the other hand, the Formula 8forYou, priced at €12, offers a 48-hour biking adventure, complete with 8 hours of bike usage. These formulaic plans are ideal for riders planning longer excursions or wanting the flexibility to explore the city over an extended period.
