Any vacation rentals in Perugia to recommend?

Vacation rentals

Perugia is filled with delightful vacation rentals, many of which are locally owned and managed. This helps to support the local economy and also gives you a more authentic experience. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Il Giardino di Matilde is a charming B&B located in the heart of the city. Owned by Matilde herself, this lovely establishment offers three tastefully decorated rooms with a private bathroom, a communal kitchen, and a beautiful garden where you can unwind after a day of exploring. Matilde, a Perugia local, is known for her warm hospitality and invaluable local tips. The price per night here ranges from 70 to 90 Euros.

  • Casa Vannucci is another excellent choice. This cozy one-bedroom apartment is owned by Roberto, a native Perugian who takes great pride in providing a comfortable home-away-from-home for his guests. The apartment is fully equipped and boasts a stunning view of the Piazza Danti. Roberto’s personal recommendations for the best local eateries and attractions are a bonus. The price per night typically ranges from 80 to 100 Euros.

  • If you’re looking for something a bit more luxurious, Villa Nuba might be the perfect fit. Owned by the charming couple Giuseppe and Elga, this deluxe rental offers three separate apartments, each with its own private garden or terrace. The property also features a saltwater pool, a playground, and even a small vineyard. Giuseppe and Elga offer a truly personalized experience, from arranging local wine tasting tours to providing home-cooked Umbrian meals. The nightly rate for an apartment here ranges from 140 to 200 Euros.

  • Lastly, Casa dei Tintori is a quaint studio apartment located in the old town. This charming rental is owned by Laura, who restored the property herself. The apartment is tastefully decorated, combining modern comforts with original architectural features. Laura is known for her warm hospitality and is always ready to share local tips and advice with her guests. The price per night here is approximately 60 Euros.

These are just a few of the locally owned vacation rentals in Perugia. Each offers a unique and authentic experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture and lifestyle. Prices can vary depending on the season and availability, so it’s always a good idea to check and book in advance. Enjoy your stay in Perugia!
