Does the San Domenico church have the biggest gothic window in Italy?

San Domenico church

No, the church of San Domenico does not have the biggest Gothic window in Italy. However, after the Milan Cathedral, it is the second largest Gothic window in this country. It is a Roman Catholic basilica church. It is situated in Piazza Giordano Bruno and via del Castellano, in the center of the city.

So, the church was built in two phases between 1304 and 1458. The first phase was designed by Giovanni Pisano, and the second phase was designed by Carlo Maderno. The church is a mix of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. Therefore, the large Gothic window of the church of San Domenico is located at the end of the nave, above the choir. Bartolomeo di Pietro and Mariotto di Nardo designed the window, and they completed it in 1411. It is 21 meters high and 8.5 meters wide. This makes it the second largest Gothic window in Italy. 

Furthermore, the interior of the church boasts rich decorations, including frescoes and sculptures. The most famous fresco is the Guidalotti Polyptych by Beato Angelico, which is located in the choir. The church also houses other important works of art, such as a crucifix by Donatello and a tomb by Andrea Sansovino.

Therefore, San Domenico is one of the most important religious buildings in Perugia. It is also a popular tourist destination, and thousands of people visit this place every year. So, visiting San Domenico Church in Perugia is not only an opportunity to explore a historic and architecturally significant religious site but also a chance to immerse yourself in the rich spiritual and artistic heritage of the region.

As you have this interest in the works of art and churches of Perugia, we invite you to know why Abbazia di San Pietro is a must-see place in Perugia.
