Is it safe to use public transportation in Perugia?

Is it safe to use public transportation in Perugia

Yes, it is completely safe to use public transportation in Perugia. The city has a good public transportation system, consisting of buses and a minimetro (underground railway). The buses are reliable and frequent, and the minimetro is clean and efficient. Whether you’re a tourist or a local in Perugia, you can confidently rely on the efficient public transportation system.

Perugia has an excellent safety rate, and you can check it out. So, apart from the use of public transport, the center of Perugia is very good to walk. If you want to go sightseeing by walking the streets, you can do so with confidence. In this case, we suggest you just check in advance if there are any areas not recommended to avoid, but generally this is a perfect place to go sightseeing without any fear of insecurity.

Consequently, we recommend that you buy a ticket before boarding the bus or train. You can buy them at kiosks, tobacconists and some bars. Also, validate your ticket when boarding the bus or train. There are validating machines on board all buses and trains. Remember to be polite to bus and train drivers. They are there to help you, so don’t be afraid to ask them for directions or information. If you have interest in learning more about this topic, we recommend reading about what is the most common means of transportation in Perugia.
