Perugia’s City Center Parking: Are These Rates for Real?

City Center Parking

Perugia, located in the Italian region of Umbria, stands as a significant hub of medieval art and history. In the city center, paid parking regulations are in effect. However, parking options are both abundant and reasonably priced, whether on the streets or in designated parking lots.

Perugia’s city center falls under the category of a Zona Traffico Limitato (ZTL), which means restricted traffic zones. Access to these areas is permitted only for those holding a ZTL permit. To enforce these restrictions, video cameras are in operation on weekdays from 13:00 to 24:00 and on holidays from 07:00 to 24:00. If you are staying in a hotel located within the ZTL, it’s advisable to coordinate with your hotel to ensure your vehicle’s registration within this zone.

For on-street parking within the city center, Perugia has established operational hours and charges. On weekdays, from Monday to Friday, parking is allowed between 09:00 and 21:00, and the cost ranges from €1.10 to €1.35 per hour, offering unlimited parking. On the weekends, Saturday and Sunday, parking is generally free of charge.

In areas surrounding the city center, near the city ring, paid parking applies on weekdays, specifically from Monday to Friday, during the hours of 08:00 to 18:00. The rate for parking during these times is typically €0.60 to €1.20 per hour.

For those who prefer the convenience of car parks in Perugia, unlimited parking is available in the city center. The rates for parking in these lots generally range from €1.40 to €1.80 per hour, with a daily rate of €16.00. If you plan to park in the evening, from 20:00 to 02:00, a special fixed rate of €2.50 often applies, providing an affordable option for those enjoying the city’s nightlife.

Perugia’s approach to parking caters to both residents and visitors, offering a variety of choices to accommodate different needs and budgets, making it convenient for everyone to explore the city’s medieval art and rich cultural heritage.


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