Why do expats prefer rural houses over city center properties in Perugia? 

expats prefer rural houses over city center properties in Perugia

The inclination of expats towards rural houses in Perugia, as opposed to city center properties, stems from a confluence of factors that collectively contribute to the appeal and desirability of these residences. 

One pivotal element is the tranquility and scenic allure that rural houses offer. Perugia, steeped in history and surrounded by picturesque landscapes, becomes a magnet for individuals yearning for a serene living experience. Rural houses, nestled away from the commotion of urban life, provide a peaceful and relaxed environment, allowing residents to embrace a quieter lifestyle amidst nature’s beauty. 

The charm of traditional rural architecture and the opportunity to dwell amidst nature also play a significant role in attracting non-Italian residents. Rural houses often boast unique designs that reflect the local culture and heritage, offering a cultural immersion that resonates with those who value authenticity and a connection to the region’s history. 

Cost considerations further bolster the preference for rural houses. Despite Perugia featuring relatively lower housing prices in the city center, expats may find that rural properties provide more space and amenities at an equivalent or even lower cost. This economic advantage makes rural houses an attractive choice for those looking to invest in Perugia’s real estate market. 

Moreover, the limited availability of housing in the city center intensifies the demand for rural properties. Faced with a scarcity of options within the urban landscape, potential buyers or renters naturally turn their attention to alternatives in the outskirts. The combination of scarcity and the exclusivity associated with rural living enhances the appeal of these properties. 

The preference of expats for rural houses over city center properties in Perugia is a multifaceted phenomenon. It is driven by a desire for tranquility, an appreciation for traditional architecture, cost-effectiveness, and the constrained availability of housing in the city center. These factors collectively contribute to the increasing popularity of rural residences among non-Italian individuals seeking a distinctive and culturally rich living experience in the enchanting city of Perugia. By the way, you may also be curious about what is driving the high demand for rental apartments in the center of Perugia. We invite you to read about it!
