Why is the Abbazia di San Pietro a must-see place in Perugia?

Abbazia di San Pietro in Perugia

The Abbazia di San Pietro (Abbey of Saint Peter) is a must-see place in Perugia for a number of reasons. The Saint Peter church and abbey is one of the most important religious and historical sites in the city, and it is also home to a number of important works of art and architecture.

The abbey was founded in the 10th century and was once one of the most powerful Benedictine monasteries in Umbria. It was a center of learning and culture, and it played an important role in the development of Perugia. In addition to its religious and cultural significance, the Abbazia di San Pietro is also a popular tourist destination. The abbey offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding countryside. It is also home to a museum, which houses a collection of religious artifacts and works of art. 

This architectural gem is located next to the Giardini del Frontone garden, a little south of the city center, but still in an accessible location and part of the city center. When traveling to Perugia, you can’t miss this important jewel of art. 

About the structure

To speak of the structure, the entrance to the church is a feast for the eyes. An impressive 16th century white marble portal is crowned by a lunette with a fresco of the Madonna and two angels by Giannicola di Paolo. On one side of the portal, some frescoes by Maestro Ironico, which belonged to the original facade, have been brought to light. The interior of the Abbey of Saint Peter is a symphony of art. The church follows a basilica style, with three naves divided by columns featuring Ionic capitals from the late imperial period.

The central nave is home to a series of large canvases depicting scenes from the Old and New Testaments by Aliense (1592-94). Frescoes frame the canvases, also covering the space between the canvases, the arches, and the subarches. This is only an overview of the structure and art of the abbey church. It contains details and artwork that depict the stories of several of the most significant biblical characters.

For these reasons, and many others, you will not regret a visit to the Abbazia di San Pietro. On the other hand, if you have interest in much more of the art, architecture and history of this city, you can see more in the historical museums in Perugia.
