How do you order food in Perugia without sounding like a tourist?

How do you order food in Perugia without sounding like a tourist

Ordering delicious Italian food is not just a transaction; it’s a delightful journey into the heart of Italian culture. Here’s a friendly guide, complete with English pronunciations, to help you navigate the culinary adventure with ease. 

  1. Warm Greetings: Begin your dining experience with a friendly “Buongiorno” (Bwon-jor-no) if it’s daytime, or “Buonasera” (Bwoh-na-seh-ra) for the evening. 
  2. Seating Request: Ask for a table by saying “Posso avere un tavolo, per favore?” (Pohs-so ah-ve-re oon ta-vo-lo, per fa-vo-re). 
  3. Explore the Menu: Politely inquire about the menu with “Posso vedere il menu, per favore?” (Pohs-so ve-de-re eel me-noo, per fa-vo-re). 
  4. Asking Questions: Feel free to ask questions about the dishes with “Posso fare delle domande sul menu?” (Pohs-so fa-re del-le do-man-de sool me-noo?). 
  5. Placing Your Order: When ready to order, say “Vorrei ordinare il…” (Vo-rei or-di-na-re eel…), followed by the dish name. For instance, “Vorrei ordinare gli spaghetti alla Bolognese” (spa-ge-ti al-la bo-lo-nye-se). 
  6. Preferences: Specify any preferences politely. For example, “Senza cipolla” (Sen-za chi-pol-la) means “without onions.” 
  7. Expressing Gratitude: Conclude your order with a gracious “Grazie” (Gra-tsi-e), meaning “thank you.” 
  8. Seeking Recommendations: If you’re feeling adventurous, ask for recommendations with “Può consigliarmi qualcosa?” (Pwo kon-si-liar-mi kwa-lko-za). 
  9. Enjoy Your Meal: Once your order arrives, express anticipation with a cheerful “Buon appetito!” (Bwon ap-pe-ti-to), wishing yourself and others a good meal. 
  10. Settling the Bill: When ready to pay, request the bill with “Il conto, per favore” (Eel kon-to, per fa-vo-re). 

Learning these phrases not only enhances your dining experience but also shows respect for the local culture. Buon viaggio e buon appetito! (Bwon vee-aj-jo e bwon ap-pe-ti-to) – Safe travels and enjoy your meal! Finally, find out the restaurants that offer a fine dining experience in Perugia!
