What are the working hours of the post office in Perugia?

Post office Perugia

The post office in Perugia. The post office is located at Piazza Matteotti in the city. It operates from Monday to Friday, opening its doors at 8:20 am and closing at 7:05 pm. On Saturdays, the post office opens at the same time, 8:20 am, but closes earlier at 12:35 pm.

It’s essential to plan your visit accordingly to ensure a smooth experience at the post office. If you need to send mail, purchase stamps, or handle any other postal services, make sure to visit during the operating hours mentioned above. The post office in Perugia is closed on Sundays, so it’s important to plan your postal needs accordingly.

Whether you’re a local or a visitor in Perugia, the post office is a convenient place to handle your mailing and shipping needs. From sending postcards to mailing packages, the post office provides various services to cater to your needs. Be sure to bring any necessary documentation or identification, as required for certain postal transactions.

In addition to postal services, the post office may also offer additional services such as banking, bill payments, and money transfers. It’s always a good idea to check with the specific post office branch in Perugia for the services they provide. We also invite you to learn more about where to find ATMs in Perugia for cash withdrawals.
