What product is Perugia famous for producing?

Artesanal Gelato

Perugia, situated in the heart of Italy, has gained global recognition for its exceptional craftsmanship in creating confections. One of the city’s most celebrated products is the world-famous Perugina Baci chocolates. These delectable treats embody the perfect blend of flavor and tradition, enticing visitors from all corners of the globe to experience their irresistible charm.

Perugina Baci, which translates to “kisses” in Italian, are luxurious chocolates that feature a whole hazelnut embraced by a velvety layer of dark chocolate. Adding a unique touch of sentiment, each piece contains a hidden love note, enhancing the delight of every bite. This irresistible combination of taste and emotion has made Perugina Baci a symbol of affection and a true representative of Perugia’s heritage.

The tale of Perugina Baci is interwoven with the city’s culture and history. It was here in Perugia that Luisa Spagnoli, one of the company’s founders, conceived the recipe for these exquisite chocolates over a century ago. Today, the factory in San Sisto continues to craft these delicate confections, preserving the essence of tradition while embracing innovation.

Perugia’s reputation as a confectionery capital extends beyond Baci. The city also boasts artisanal gelaterias that serve up creamy gelato in an array of flavors, paying homage to the culinary artistry for which Italy is renowned.
